
Thursday, 13 February 2014

How to write: make a room of your own

Virginia Woolf knew about the importance of having a special space.

It's a place where you can be calm and relatively unbothered by day-to-day problems. A place where your imagination can soar.

It can be a physical place, but also a mental one.

I mostly write in my garden, surrounded by my dogs, with the chooks scratching around and making that lovely contented clucking.

But to get to writing-readiness you need to be able to visit that place often, every day is best, even if it's only in your mind.

I once read a great article about writing and in it was this acronym: BINMAD. It stands for bugger inspiration, never miss a day. And it's worth remembering. If you can write every day, even only a sentence or so, you're keeping your story flickering in your imagination like a little candle. Don't let the candle go out because one day that flame might become a roaring fire that catches everyone's attention.

I wish I could take my own advice. I hope some of you might be able to.


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